Title: I won't do that again

Artist: Lyn Bowtell

Reviewer: Geoff Walden

Review date: 02/03/2022

According to the notes associated with the YouTube video, Lyn  co-wrote I Won’t Do That Again with guitarist extraordinaire Kevin Bennett.  It grew out of a riff associated with a lockdown and became a song with a serious message.  I will leave it to the YouTube notes to tell you more about the lyrics.

I only had to see and hear the song once to get interested in knowing more about it.  Lyn’s great voice was just the beginning.  As you can see from the image above, Lyn has had a successful relationship with The Australian country music industry for a number of years.

With het latest release I Won’ Do That Again, several things caught my attention on the first listening and caused me to keep listening.

First was the orchestration/arrangement of the recording.   It is not very often these days, or any days for that matter, to hear a country artist feature a brass section in the arrangement of an Australian country song. But then, almost anything is possible and probable with an arrangement that Shane Nicholson has produced. Trombone was the first sound I heard in the song and it grabbed me. Big tick for that one.

Second, I loved the vocal and backing harmonies. Almost every recorded song these days, Australian or not, has vocal harmonies and in this situation, they certainly suit the style of the song and its presentation very well.  Big tick there as well.

Third the video.  I have to say that I watched the video a number of times trying to get an association between the story the lyrics were telling and the story the video was telling.  I am sure there is one and with Duncan Tombs as the video director, I feel comfortable in giving the video a tick as well.

Fourth song structure.  The short chorus gets my attention each time it happens in the song and still does so each time I listen all the way through.  It creates a tension that for me doesn’t get resolved until the outro presents “I won’t do that again” four times and finishes a cappella. Great way to finish. Is is a big tick for structure or maybe just a tick. Big Tick cause I felt all right by the end.

Congratulation to Lyn and all associated with the song.  It will be interesting to see who picks it up with regards air play.  I would encourage you to go out and buy it, or maybe stay home and buy it, listen to it and enjoy it.  It is a great production all round.

I hope she does do that again.