Andrew Smith: Developing An Icon

James Akenson A few years back I wrote a piece for Country Underground Australia about a mate, a friend Andrew Smith of Tasmania who I had never met. We had corresponded over almost thirty years by old antiquated ‘snail mail’ and then through email and social media. Finally, in 2018 at the International Country […]
John Edwards: Collector, Researcher and Discographer Extraordinaire

Don Cusic, Andrew Smith, Mickie Akenson, James Akenson Managing Editor’s Note: Once again Andrew Smith in Tasmania, Australia provides a fascinating discussion of an important Country Music topic. A description of the John Edward collection at the University of North Carolina may be found at . It is particularly interesting how some international […]
R M Williams Bush Learning Centre

Lorraine and I recently had the opportunity to travel from our home town Gayndah to Eidsvold, another small town in the North Burnett region of Queensland to visit what we think of as the R M Williams Bush Learning Centre. Most Australians think of him as R M Williams but around Eidsvold he is Reginald […]
Keith Urban: God Is Dead…NOT!

So…the Death of God might not be as complete and a done deal as Loretta Lynn feared. The Death of God movement in the 1960s upset people. I remember sitting in a laundromat in Janesville, Wisconsin during my 7th grade teaching internship. It was a Saturday morning and I was drying my laundry. I think I was […]